Down with AI and SEO

PC Police

This is my blog My Words. For a very short period I used AI and SEO AI. Never again. Not my stuff. I Blog because I enjoy writing my thoughts. Not Googles or Microsoft. I know I am going to take a hit from the big guys. To me, this another way to control content!

Good Morning America Problems





Good Morning America Problems Ahead

We have it made in America. No reason to work. Everything is paid for. Why be anything any more in America. To be honest with you, if it wasn’t my faith in JC, there would be no reason. We now have a Robin Hood health care system that motives one not to work or work very little. All this time we thought we were a country on could get ahead and better one’s self. But if you do good, Robin Hood will take any extra and give it to the person down the street who does want to do good. He is really not a bum. He is in the same boat you are. He either has been shot down by Robin Hood or he is scared as hell of that next step.

There are so many things wrong with this bill. But to make it simple, heath care should be equal for all. Two simple laws would have accomplished equalizing that playing field.

So Robin Hood now reins in America. And we continue as CBS said a few weeks ago 40000 new laws were passed by federal, state and local governments on January 1st 2014.

Will America make it to 2020! Good Morning America Problems ahead?

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